What's good young world?! Today I wanted to ask my lady friends for some help concerning my next video entitled "My Desire". Without the help and support from the ladies my concept for "My Desire" cannot be pulled off. I've never done this sort of thing before but I'm hoping it will work and turn out van-gloriously!
The song "My Desire" is off of my project Nostalgia RED and it talks about my love for many different kinds of women. No matter the shade, size, or color...I don't discriminate! I believe in the United Colors of Benetton!
What I need from my lady friends is for you to email me 5 to 10 hi-res pictures of yourself looking natural. No naked photos please (Ha, ha, ha)!
If you're the kind of girl that's more comfortable in jeans or sweat pants...that's what I wanna see. On the other hand, if you're the type of girl that likes to put on some pumps and show it off...I wanna see that!
My team and I are basically looking for women of all colors, shapes, and sizes! We don't care if you're Avatar blue, we're gonna put you in the video. You may not be in the video long but everybody will make the cut.
If you are interested (which I hope you are) send your pictures to jayeberry@rocketmail.com. Once we get 10 to 12 ladies to commit, we can start making the video. The video will be tasteful of course. I shouldn't have to say that but some people just want to assume this Jahah guy is a bum.
To hear a snippet of "My Desire" click here.
God Bless!

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