When I was attending high school in Baumholder, Germany circa 1993...I vividly remember where I was the first time I heard the words, " Take me to another place, take me to another land, let me forget all that hurts me, let me understand your plan". Yeah those words resonated in me and I instantly became a fan of the song "Tennessee" and the band Arrested Development. Little did I know that a few years later I would be in the studio with the man who wrote and produced this record. Yes, I'm talking about brother Speech from Arrested development. The creative force and front man of the group which sold over 5 million albums and won 2 Grammy's.
I was introduced to Speech via my cousin and ex-manager Jason "Smack" Henry. Jason used to live in Fayetteville, Georgia (where Speech resides) and would always see Speech out and about. To make a long story short, Jason befriended the young brother Speech and told him about me (Jahah). After a few months and a couple of meetings, I ended up in the studio recording a verse for one of Speech's solo album's intended for his EMI, Japan release. I went on to record several more features on different Speech album's he's released oversea's and we've continued to keep in touch over the years.
One of the things I've always liked about Speech is he's never wavered from his beliefs or the message he's putting out into the world. Speech could have easily tried to adapt to the B.S. that has taken over our airwaves and do something trendy but he's always stuck to his guns. At least he has from where I sit.
I mean, a lot of artist in the music business make certain songs or end up sounding a certain way because they believe that's what will make them more money. Integrity does not play a factor. Songs with honesty and true artistic value are not necessarily making the artists who create this music richer. I'm a prime example of that. Even though my music is not as conscious and uplifting as Speech's, you won't hear me promoting violence or talking overly reckless. I do have my moments but the underlying tone of my music is closer to Speeches music than it is to Young Jeezy's (no pun intended cause I mess with Jeezy everynow and again).
Anyhow, I just wanted to solute my friend and big brother Speech for continuing to uplift us all via his music and humanitarian efforts. Speech has always supported me and given me great advice when I've reached out to him. I appreciate that young brethren!
Lastly, Speech had a new single available on iTunes entitled "I'ma Fight Back Now" and it's very dope! Please partake in watching the video below and click on the pic above to purchase the song. Or you can click here to purchase the song as well.
What are you waiting for? Press play!

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