As promised...I'm releasing the official "viral" video to my song "Bare My Heart" today! I'm hoping and praying that people will really dig the visuals to this record and email me for a free MP3 of the song. Yeah that's right! If you email me at and ask me to "Bare My Heart"...I will send you a free copy of my song "Bare My Heart". It's that simple beautiful people!
About The Song/Video and the Night:
The way we shot this viral video was very "Impromptu" and "Spur of the Moment" style. My music/video team and I (The Feel/The Ingredient) just finished rapping up the final shots for another Jahah video entitled "Happy" and I suggested we shoot a viral video for "Bare My Heart" later on that same night. Everybody on the set was down so we packed up the cameras and made our way into the Atlanta nightlife for a very cold and brisk video shoot.
Before we started shooting the video I was scheduled to perform a song at The Indigo Bar around 9pm. As usual my performance did not start on time so my crew and I had to linger around and harass people for a hour or so. Once I performed we all hung around and watched Nsil and Ange push each other to pick up the opposite sex. This was seriously hilarious because "N" would just go up to a girl and kind of linger around and never say anything to her. I can't really explain it but brotha "N" was looking a little bit nervous (even though I know this cat has got game)! I don't remember Ange ever going up to any guy and getting his number but she sure did press and egg on "N" to get digits from somebody else's daughter. It never happened.
I think the highlight of The Indigo Bar was my dude "Dirty Dickens" barking down some chica at the elevator. His approach was brash and very aggressive but I believe the female victim was definitely feeling him! Seriously. At first I thought she was hella scared of him but then she started to laugh and smile. It was almost as if she was terrified and excited at the same time. I can't explain this one either but I know this chica was ready to take "Dickens" home and do the nasty! My man "Dickens" has a lot of charisma and could have booked this chica with ease but he just let her was his moment shine but he didn't sweat it. Not even a little bit. He just turned the other cheek and said, "Nsil that's how you do it"! I guess you had to be there.
Finally around 11pm we decided to start shooting the video for "Bare My Heart" (BMH). We took to the cold night air and hit Lucky Street right by the Rialto Theater (downtown Atlanta). I don't think anyone of us were ready for the weather conditions but we toughed it out and shot the video like our lives depended it on!
The shot of me sitting on the curb was very interesting because the people driving by in their cars had no mercy on me! They acted as if I wasn't even there and I had to jump up at least 2 or 3 times to save my legs from being severed.
My favorite shot in the video is of me walking down the street with the city lights behind me. I didn't expect this shot to turn out the way it did because it seemed so lame when we were shooting it. I call this a "Happy Mistake" and a blessing from a higher power because the location wasn't something we scouted. I guess sometimes you just gotta wing it and see what happen's. I wouldn't suggest doing this all the time but occasionally the best shots are the one's you didn't plan to shoot in advance. In our case that's the whole video for "BMH". We didn't scout or plan to shoot any of it when we did. We totally winged it and just went out and had fun. No treatment and no script! Just a Canon 7D and T2i with a iPod and 5 people walking around the city in hella cold weather.
With the above being said...Thank you to Tony, Nsil, Ange, and Dirty Dicken's for facing the tough weather and helping me achieve my goals/dreams. You four are appreciated in more ways than you know!

I'm diggin it
Donals Aikens: Many thanks bro! I appreciate you posting this record on your site...the site is so clean too! God bless.